Moss Rose 

The extraordinary mutation of a Centifolia, the Moss Rose, should decorate every garden

This rose variety was very popular in the 17th century. The ‘Rosa x centifolia’, also called ‘Muscosa’ equates in all characteristics the Centifolia. Shoots, blooms and sepals have hairs and therefore appear mossy.

This brownish or reddish ‘moss' exudes a resinous scent, which mixes perfectly with the scent of the Centifolia blooms.

Miniature roses perfect for buckets exist besides impressive varieties such as the ‘Wiliam Lobb’.

Facts About Moss Roses

Besides the mossy growth, the balsam-like fragrance when touched is an amazing characteristic of the ‘Muscosa’.

Moss varieties were very popular in the 18th and 19th century because of their hardy and fragrance. Newer breedings tend to be less mossy but are repeat flowering. 

  • They do not grow that high, perfect for borders and pots.
  • Very durable and survive dry periods
  • They can grow even on poor soil

‘Muscosa’s’ are easy to prune and should start after the last frost in early spring. Remove all dead and diseased wood. Apart from that, they only need a light pruning throughout the growing season.

Make Your Moss Rose Choice

In my opinion the old varieties of ‘Muscosa’s’ will be the best choice. They are hardy and have the characteristics of the old roses.

Old Pink Moss ‘Muscosa’

moss rose

Is said to be the Ancestor-Moss-Rose and for sure still the most beautiful variety. Mossier than other types, therefore maybe a little bit rain-sensitive.

The petals tend to stick together when raining.

They first show an intensive pink colored spherical bloom which flattens out later.

The shrub grows up to 4.5 feet and spreads to a width of 4 feet.

General Kleber

General Kleber

A tender and attractive rose, named after a general from Napoleon fighting in Egypt, I wonder why?

Their mossy buds appear attractive with the bright green foliage.

The shrub shows pearlized-pink blooms and gets white when they wither. 

Grows to a height of 4-4.5 feet and spread to a width of 3.5 feet.

Marie de Blois

Marie de Blois

A very healthy variety. Their buds and young shoots are covered with reddish moss.

They flower solidly and long into the fall. The second bloom is a bit spare.

The roses are perfectly made for vases.

They show pink spherical blooms and later turn into purple.

The shrub grows to a height of 4.5 feet.

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